
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby Reveal Cake ♥

One of my favorite things about creating delicious delights for my friends is that I get to be a VIP part of their events. ♥  Even if I am not invited, my cupcakes always are. I look at my cupcakes at these events as an extension of me, dressed in my most glamorous...that vibrant and magic woman in the corner that lures you.

Kind of Like Lucille Ball here. She is my icon in all of my cupcake-ing.

This last week was pretty memorable.
I had the chance to create something new and completely out of my comfort zone.

A 6 layer....extra tall "Baby" Reveal Cake.

The mommy-to-be (Jess) had the ultrasound technician call to tell me the surprise sex of the baby.  When I got the voicemail, I was jumping up and down in excitement, trying my best to keep my mouth closed.  Nobody else knew, except for the ultrasound technician...and me!

Now I could have stayed within my comfort zone and made a basic fondant cake with 1 shade of blue on the inside. crazy amazing did it make me feel that Jess had asked me to be the bearer of such special news?!

So I had to give her baby the "red carpet" entrance to the party. Or maybe.. the blue carpet ♥

I used a #104 Tip to make white buttercream frosting ruffles on the outside of the 6 layer cake.  I added a bit of orange extract to the buttercream frosting.  I always add the orange extract to the frosting with my vanilla cakes for a fresh taste. 

To make the reveal extra dramatic, I striped the layers in different shades of blue. 

Jess and her hubby right here in complete and utter joy after the reveal.

Beautiful and breathtaking photography by Chloe Heckman of Life Tree Photography. It is so much fun having talented friends.

"All that I am, or hope to be..I owe to my angel mother."~Abraham Lincoln.


  1. I LOVE YOU AMANDA CUPCAKE! What an awesome cake and a fab idea. YOU ROCK IT GIRL!

  2. What beautiful, beautiful pictures - your cake is the perfect fit for their happiness! :) And visiting your blog ALWAYS makes my mouth water... those Milky Way cupcakes, oh my Greg Peck!! I want one!! xxx PS. Do e-mail me your address - I still have your little package waiting to send! xxx

  3. Thank you ladies! Much !♥! to you both. And Caroline, I sent you my address a few weeks ago..hmm I will have to resend it. I am so excited for your gift!!
