The artwork of Dawn Tarr.
Recently I created a fan site on facebook-also called Amanda Cupcake. Amanda Cupcake Facebook Fan Page
This invites people from all over the world to view my cupcakes at their own will. It also allows me to network with other creative people.
I stumbled upon a talented artist who found me on facebook and told me she loves my fan page! I am so flattered to be sought out on the worldwide web and loved by an amazing talent like her! Her name is Dawn Tarr.
To me, every one of her paintings tells me a story about a person - or even an animal. My heart is filled with whimsy and color. She says her art is created by a "mood." I can see why she might be an Amanda Cupcake fan. I have the same passion for sharing my "cupcake art" with the world and it is all created by the sensational mood that makes up..Amanda Cupcake. I think I may have just found a cupcake connection on facebook! Only in 2010 could you reach out to a kindred spirit who is from the other side of the United States through cupcake art!
I begged Dawn to paint a picture of me with a cupcake. I think I'd like it to be Marilyn Monroe-esque with a sweet Amanda Cupcake twist.
Oh ... to be painted by Dawn Tarr.
After doing a little research on Dawn, I thought it was quite coincidental that she sent one of her paintings to Ellen Degeneres. In the painting, Ellen is dancing with her pet doggy whose name is Pig! Ellen loved the painting so much that she created a segment on her show just for Dawn's artwork. Funny because of my previous blog begging Ellen to eat one of my cupcakes. .
Anyway--when it comes to art, honestly--you have to visualize. I think I've said enough in words.
Some of my favorite Dawn Tarr artwork below:
You can see more on her website: 
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