Monday, January 2, 2012

Love-Cakes ♥ 2011

It's 2012, and I was going to write a traditional "reflection" blog dedicated to New Years.

I've been so busy.
I've mainly been superhero-cupcake-ing it up as Amanda Cupcake.

But..I've also been working a second job as a cook at an assisted living home to save money to finance a possible bakery..or a really fun recipe book? or who knows what's next? for my cupcake business.  The job at the assisted living home is more than just a job to me though. I've always loved working with the elderly, and I was even considering volunteering just to visit with them, and get out of my own little bubble.  When I saw that the nearby assisted living home was hiring a cook, I applied.   It must have been destiny because I got the job. I go in wearing scrubs, a hairnet, and purple eyeshadow (sometimes glitter too), and try to make somebody smile.  Plus-I've been learning mad cooking skillz.

On top of that I've been teaching cupcake classes at Fox Valley Technical College. I even taught four hours of cupcake classes recently at Waupaca High School.  Here are the cupcakes I taught the high school students to make:

When I talked about adding glitter to my cherries to turn them into "disco" cherries, one of the students exclaimed, "That is the best thing I have heard all day!"  I was beaming with joy all day after that, really.

My point is, I wanted to make all these ahhmazing New Years cupcakes. You know, like champagne cupcakes or cocktail celebration cupcakes with pearls and sparkles on them.

But what I came up with the other day for a really special order pretty much defines the past year of who Amanda Cupcake is, and who everyone that I've come in touch with in the past year is as well. They are the absolute perfect Amanda Cupcake New Years cupcakes, and I wouldn't change a thing.

Let's call them Lovecakes.

 Meet the lovely recipient.
 Her name is Teal.  She found love, and is getting married!  So I made her cupcakes filled with LOVE for her New Year's Eve Wedding Shower. ♥
This is a photo of her cupcake buffet fit for a queen that was sent to my Iphone.  It made her so happy, she cried.  This text message made me so happy, I cried!

I handcrafted banners of love and color and bows that connected cupcake swirls.

Vibrant colors for a beautiful & vivacious person!

You know, there are miniature pies hidden inside each of these cupcakes too.  This one has an apple crisp pie on the inside.
(I found this adorable polka dot cupcake platter at Lucky Tree Home Decor in Waupaca)

And I baked a mini raspberry pie inside of this lemon cupcake.  The little "jewel" is an edible M&M that I blinged out.  I made a cupcake topper by hot glue-ing a feather onto a wooden stick! (this way the feather pieces don't get stuck on the cupcake frosting).

Bows and Pearls and Frosting Ruffles inspired by bridesmaid dresses.

A touch of white for the bride-to-be.

Don't we all wish for this? A best friend to grow old with? Bliss.

A dream of mine is to marry my best friend and eat glittery delicious cupcakes on our porch together while watching the sunset.

Now you know why these are the ultimate Amanda Cupcake New Years Cupcakes.
They are like fireworks exploding glitter and color and love..

Baked with so much hope and promise. To enjoy right now, but also to toast to a bright future.

Love-Cakes Forever.

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At January 4, 2012 at 1:43 AM , Blogger The Doggie House Puerto Rico said...

Wao Love If you make I book I will buy it :)

At January 4, 2012 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda, the cupcakes for Teal's shower were absolutely amazing! As Teal's aunt, I wanted her shower to be special and your cupcakes made the shower beautifully over the top and fabulous! I plan to tell everyone I know how great you were to work with, how delicious the cupcakes were, and how amazing and beautiful they looked. Thanks much for all the love you put into them! Amy

At January 10, 2012 at 6:29 AM , Blogger Kewl Granny of Eight said...

Your cupcakes are beautiful. You are an inspiration to the rest of us cupcake fanatics. The folks at the assisted living center are blessed to have you there. If a book is in your future I would buy it. Keep making the world's a better place with you in it.

At January 10, 2012 at 7:04 AM , Blogger Amanda Cupcake said...

Thank you all so very much for your amazing comments and love. It means the world to get this feedback, it will just keep me creating more and more cupcakes for all the world to eat and love :)

At January 12, 2012 at 6:16 PM , Blogger Caroline Cakewise said...

As always, Ms Cupcake, you are creating your own fabulous life, full of sparkles and crumbs, and I ADORE getting a glimpse into it!! May 2012 bring more to come!! xxx PS. I don't know if you've read my last few posts, but just managed to score an internship with a wedding company writing for their blog! And I would LOVE to do a post for them about your magical cupcakes, if that's alright!! Let me know what you think :) xxx

At February 9, 2012 at 10:25 AM , Blogger GroovyTreats said...

I love colorful cupcakes and yours are the best! I am in love with them I just wish I knew how to do them. :( but you are amazing!!! No Joke! :)


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